That's me today, because I have a genuine vintage Vogue Patterns cabinet! Ah, Craigslist, you have been good to me before, but this $20 find takes the cake. Even though my long-suffering husband had to drive me to the back side of beyond to get this (as the seller was giving directions, he said, "Now here's where it's helpful to have a four wheel drive truck"--how fortunate that we do), and even though wrestling it into my sewing room closet was extremely difficult and even though I had to reorganize all my precious closet stuffings, I am completely thrilled.
The Vogue Pattern Company of years gone by was no slouch when it came to specifying a cabinet. The action on these drawers is smooth. Now I can thumb through my patterns with the greatest of ease.
And don't worry--only two of these drawers hold patterns. I do have a goodly collection, but not five drawers worth. The top drawer has leather, the next is interfacing (what heaven to have a good place for it!), then patterns, then gifts and sewing machine repair stuff.
In actual sewing news, I am so pleased to show you this blanket. The sixties-era wool was a $6 yard sale purchase, and the similar-vintage butterfly print came from the sale of a fabric collector, Lisa Shoemaker. I love the two together so much. I know that binding a blanket in cotton isn't the typical choice, but really, why not? This binding tutorial from Crazy Mom Quilts tells you nearly everything you need to know about how to make a binding. I wanted to see as much of the butterfly print as possible, so I cut a 6" cross grain binding for a finished binding width of 1 1/2".
I get that quilters favor handstitching the binding on the back side, but I don't totally understand why. This three-step zigzag looks good to me.
You are the luckiest girl in the world!! The blanket is beautiful, wonderful choice for the binding.
ReplyDeleteHi, on my local CLtwo patterns cabinets showed up today, and I immediately thought of you! Is yours wood or steel? The ones that came up here are steel and apparently have been used in a workshop and have some rust. (mmmmmm) One is a 5-drawer, the other is a 6-drawer, though the height is the same. Do you still like yours? It's a bit of a drive so I'm contemplating whether or not driving out there to see them. Probably a 5-drawer one...
ReplyDeleteHow cool! Yes, I still like it! It's steel also, with a woodgrain paint job. The hardware is a lovely brass with a great patina. If you bought them today, I bet the pulls alone would fetch at least $10 each. Mine has a bit of rust around the bottom, but functionally it is great. My enthusiasm is mostly for nostalgic reasons, but the cabinet is of high quality and the drawers slide very smoothly, something not always found in a file cabinet. Good luck if you decide to check it out!
DeleteThanks for the reply. I decided to make a nice drive out there but the listing is already gone! I now know I must act quickly if I ever saw one again. : (